Products / Olive Oil / Olive Oil

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Unico Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Gluten Free

Gluten Free



<p>Our premium edition GOYA® Unico Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the culmination of a rigorous inspection from tree to table. Its origin draws from the careful, hand-picked selection of the <em>Hojiblanca</em> and <em>Picuda</em> olive from Andalusia, Spain. This gourmet extra virgin olive oil is prepared using the first cold press of olives, only a few short hours after being harvested to preserve its magnificent properties. Try it as a delicious dressing for salads, dipping, cooking or to add a final touch of flavor to your favorite dishes.</p> <p>Our GOYA® Unico Extra Virgin Olive Oil is recognized as one of the most elite olive oils worldwide. It has won more than 20 awards and gold medals in the most prestigious competitions in the world, as well as the ChefsBest® Excellence Award for its overall quality and taste*.</p> <p>• No sodium.</p> <p>• Kosher and gluten free.</p> <p>• Size: 17 oz.</p>


Winner of the ChefsBest® Excellence Award for overall quality.*

Winner of the ChefsBest® Excellence Award for overall quality.*

NAOOA Quality Seal†

NAOOA Quality Seal†

Foods from Spain‡

Foods from Spain‡

Evaluated by the Good Housekeeping institute.§

Evaluated by the Good Housekeeping institute.§


* Products must earn the ChefsBest® Excellence Award by surpassing quality standards established by professional chefs.

† Quality seal for olive oils, granted by the North American Olive Oil Association. This quality seal is the only olive oil certification that takes off-the-shelf samples and tests them to check the full range of purity parameters in the global commercial standards established by the International Olive Council (IOC).

‡ Spain occupies a prominent place as the world’s leading producer and exporter. Our great diversity of olive varieties has given rise to a range of unique olive oils in the world, and this factor, coupled with the latest technologies and most modern development processes, results in the highest quality oils.

§ Evaluated by the Good Housekeeping institute.


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